Chi-Wang Shu
Brown University
Xu-Jia Wang
Australian National University
Zhou-Ping Xin
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shing-Tung Yau
Harvard University and
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Managing Editors
Jian-Guo Liu
Duke University
Xiao-Ping Wang
Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Tech.
Juncheng Wei
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Yuxi Zheng
The Pennsylvania State University

Didier Bresch
CNRS and Univ. de Savoie
Russel Caflisch
Dongho Chae
Chung-Ang University
Weinan E
Princeton University
Björn Engquist
University of Texas
Dejun Feng
Yan Guo
Brown University
Xiaojun Huang
Rutgers University
Nicolai V. Krylov
University of Minnesota
Peter Lax
Courant Institute
Yanyan Li
Rutgers University
Fang-Hua Lin
Courant Institute
Akitaka Matsumura
Osaka University
Masayasu Mimura
Meiji University
George Papanicolaou
Stanford University
Benoit Perthame
Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie
Neil Trudinger
Australian National Univ.
Srinivasa Varadhan
Courant Institute
Jack Xin
UC Irvine
Horng-Tzer Yau
Harvard University
Hong-Kai Zhao
UC Irvine
Maciej Zworski
UC Berkeley


Methods and Applications of Analysis (MAA) publishes high quality papers in the broad area of pure and applied analysis. The applications of the subject to different branches of natural sciences and engineering will be welcome. A sample of the subjects is: mathematical physics, mathematical theory of continuum mechanics, differential and integral equations, dynamical systems, stochastic analysis, numerical analysis, asymptotic analysis, special functions, algebraic analysis of differential or integral equations. Papers give new directions of analysis are welcome.

MAA is partially sponsored by The Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Department of Mathematics at The Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Zheng Ge Ru Foundation. Copyright (c)1999 by International Press, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.


The manuscript in TeX or its variants should be submitted electronically to: Complete addresses of authors including e-mail addresses and fax numbers should be provided. Authors may instead send four copies of the manuscript to the following address (However, to ensure speedy publication, authors of accepted papers are required to submit their files in TeX or its variants for typesetting. We regret that we cannot accept electronic files for papers produced on any other typesetting or word processing systems.) :

     Secretary of MAA
     The Institute of Mathematical Sciences
     The Chinese University of Hong Kong
     Shatin, Hong Kong

*There are no page charges.


The Methods and Applications of Analysis (ISSN 1073-2772) publishes four issues each year. Sample copy and subscription requests should be sent to:

     International Press
     PO Box 43502
     385 Somerville Ave
     Somerville, MA 02143

     Phone: (617) 623-2033
     Fax: (617) 623-3101

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