Biography of Biography - Zhi-Ming Ma

May 1999

Prof. Zhi-Ming MA is currently the director of the Institute of Applied Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing, and a vice president of the Chinese Mathematical Society. His major research interests are stochastic analysis and related areas, including Dirichlet forms and infinite dimensional analysis. He has published one book (joint with M.Röckner) in Springer, and is an author or co-author of more than 60 research papers. He has presented 25 invited talks at international academic conferences and more than 40 invited talks at institutions or universities in various countries and districts. In 1994 Z.M. Ma presented a 45-minute invited lecture at the International Congress of Mathematicians. In 1995 he was elected to be an Academician of CAS. In 1999 he was elected to be a Fellow of the Third World Academy of Sciences. Since 1992 Z.M. Ma has received 5 academic prizes.

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